Monday, August 17, 2015

Five Little Otters Went Out to Play

One of our most commonly modified songs is "Five Little Ducks Went Out to Play."  It's always a fun surprise when children realize a song they know has changed a little bit.  

This summer, I modified the song to use with a book about otters.  This added an extra component by not knowing what sound otters make.  I asked a child each day what sound they thought an otter would make, and we used that sound for the day.

Later in the week, I planned with some children for them to help me with the song.  My "helpers" came up to the front and played the part of a little otter or the Mama otter and acted out the song.

"Five Little Otters Went Out to Play"

Five little otters went out to play.
Over the waves and far away.
Mama Otter said “Eee, eee, eee, eee."
But only four little otters came back.

(Count down from four to zero.)

Sad mama otter went out to see
Where her little otters could be.
Sad mama otter said “Eee, eee, eee, eee."

And all of the little otters came back.

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