Friday, January 18, 2013

Down around the corner at the bakery shop

This has become one of my favorite songs...possibly due to my love of baking and baked goods.  Regardless, I have had a lot of fun doing this song in multiple ways.  

I did it for the first time with these paper cupcakes (which have since been laminated and reused several times) and pennies made by one of my children.

The next step was my first exploration into making felts, and I ended up with these felt cupcakes and pennies with puffy paint decoration.

The only problem with these has been that the puffy paint is, well, puffy.  And puffy sprinkles look good enough to eat!  After almost losing a few sprinkles and the writing off a few pennies, I make sure to mention that it's paint. :)

Down around the corner at the bakery shop
There were 5 cupcakes with sprinkles on top
Along came   (child's name)   with a penny to pay
And he/she took one cupcake and went away.

**Repeat, counting down until all cupcakes are gone.**
I ask five different children to come up, give them a "penny," and when it's their turn they buy the cupcake then return to their seat.

Alternate version:  I also used this song with the story If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and sang the song with cookies with chocolate chips on top.

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