Monday, June 24, 2013

My first adventure in Yosemite

It's been hard for everyone around me to believe that I had lived in the Bay Area almost five years and hadn't made it to Yosemite National Park yet. 

I started having a hard time believing it, too, after awhile!  Luckily, I got the opportunity to experience Yosemite for the first time a couple weeks ago, thanks to TDN - of course.

TDN's aunt and uncle were in town and wanted to see it, so we were excited to be able to show it to them.  We had a beautiful drive in and saw some great scenery, like Mono Lake - a really cool salt lake on the way in.
There was also a waterfall on the way into the park that apparently makes for good winter ice climbing...not sure if I'll be trying that!
Once we were in the park, we checked out the view from Olmsted Point and got our first glimpse of Half Dome. 
TDN and I also got to goof around a little bit together climbing up and down the point on what looked like a huge staircase!
My little buddy Max was with me most of the day, and took multiple car naps on my feet.  I just love him.
Bridal Veil Falls...with a lot of wind blowing near the top.  I love waterfalls, and this one did not disappoint!
Our first view of Yosemite Falls while standing on the banks of the Merced River.
Yosemite Falls from the Valley.  It was mid-afternoon and the thunderstorms were starting to roll in on top of the mountains while it was a beautiful June day down here.
 Looking back across the Valley.  It was so lush and green and beautiful!
I told TDN that we should probably take a picture in front of something at some point in the day - you know, do that couple-y thing - to appease my Grams, since she thinks he is great and loves seeing pictures of us together.
We made it to the most well-known view of Yosemite - Tunnel View.  This view starred in Ansel Adams's work, and it is breathtaking.  El Capitan is on the far left, Half Dome is to its right in the back, and Bridal Veil Falls is in the middle of the photo. 
Our last stop in the park was Mariposa Grove - the home of some of California's majestic Giant Sequoias.  This particular tree is named the Grizzly Giant...both words are very fitting!
Tall Dark and Nerdy and I went a little farther into the grove after his aunt and uncle headed back to the car.  It was a beautiful little late-afternoon hike together, and I had so much energy that we decided to turn the last of the trail into a nice run - now that my knee is healed and I can do that again!  The last named tree(s) we saw was the Faithful Couple - two trees that grew together in the coolest way.

I can't believe I waited this long to experience Yosemite!  It is so beautiful, and now I can't wait until I can go on a backpacking trip there!

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