Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Life Lately

Here's a peek into what I've been up to lately:

This handsome guy is my nephew.  He was tuckered out after his baptism and needed some naptime with Auntie Jenna.

Baby Sister and I had a night out last week and saw the Eli Young Band at the Sioux Empire Fair.

Tall Dark and Nerdy is trying to make the most out of me being gone for the summer by getting in lots of backpacking miles with the boys.

Baby Sister has been working on a new patio at the farm with some nice landscaping and new flowers.  Our hibiscus has been blooming and has been stunning.

One of the great things about being back in SD for the summer is getting to spend time with my dear friends and their sweet babies.  I've been enjoying spending time with my goddaughter McKinley and her big brother Rig.

There's just something about a fire that makes it feel like summertime.  Baby Sister and I sometimes get in the mood to have a fire, so we just do it.  Living in the country is nice for that!  We start a fire, have a beer, and make some s'mores.  Perfect summer night with my sister.

Little Max is 15 now, which means he's getting a little grumpy.  His newest habit is pooping in the house on Mondays to let TDN know that he's angry for being left at home.  Poor little guy, he wishes it was always the weekend so he could have fun with his humans.

That's what's happening lately!

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