Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Life Lately

Here's a peek into what I've been up to lately:

Katie and I spent a wonderful day together, and I got to spend more time with her sweet kiddos.  Big Rig even got to go on the go-karts!

Papa Rist and I had a movie night together this weekend and enjoyed some of our favorite bourbon.
I have been trying my best to get as much cleaning and organizing done in this house as I can while I'm here.  I'm almost finished with the kitchen - finally - now that Baby Sister and I finished off the pantry!

The most recent organization challenge was the overstuffed coat closet on the porch.  Most of the things in there hadn't been taken out since we moved in 10 years ago, and others had been there longer than that.  I found hats, coats, shoes, you name it that had belonged to my grandfather.  I have 7 garbage bags full of coats, hats, and backpacks to take to Goodwill now this week!

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