Tuesday, May 14, 2013

MB learns life lessons - Part 1

I have a great roommate.  We have a lot of fun together.  I also get a lot of laughs at her expense sometimes.

This winter, I took her on her first real grocery shopping outing.  She had never bought groceries for herself before.  The girl was 22 at the time.  I just couldn't believe it.  Everyone in the grocery store got an absolute kick out of her telling them it was her first time grocery shopping!

The shopping wasn't the only funny experience we've had.  The next time I laughed so hard I cried came in our kitchen.  MB wanted to make herself some rice to go with her lunch. 
She asked me how to make rice, so I took out my box of rice with really good directions on it and showed it to her.  I told her to decide how many servings she wanted to make, look at the chart to see how much rice and how much water to use, and follow the directions on the box.
After about 10-15 minutes, while I was on the phone with my mom, she calls me into the kitchen asking "Do you think this is done?"
Here's what I saw:

I managed to ask her if she followed the directions before doubling over with laughter.  She assured me that she had measured out the amount of rice she wanted...and then added water.  My mom is also laughing her head off on the phone while I'm explaining to her that rice doesn't work the same as pasta where you just strain off the excess water.
Luckily, she was just going to make her rice into chicken and rice soup, so we assured her that adding it to her soup would be just fine.

It's been a couple months since this incident, and I'm not sure if she has made rice without immediately making it into soup since then. 

MB has now learned to grocery shop, make rice, and [hopefully] read directions.

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