Monday, September 28, 2015

If Your Clothes Have Any Color

Another great song for the beginning of the school year - or any time, really - is this one.  It incorporates thinking about your own body and clothing, color recognition, and listening and following directions.

If Your Clothes Have Any Color (to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It”)
If your clothes have any red, any red,
If your clothes have any red, any red,
If your clothes have any red,
 put your hands upon your head. If your clothes have any red, any red.

If your clothes have any blue, any blue,
If your clothes have any blue, any blue,
If your clothes have any blue,
put your fingers on your shoe. If your clothes have any blue, any blue.

If your clothes have any green, any green,
If your clothes have any green, any green,
If your clothes have any green,
wave your hands so you are seen. If your clothes have any green, any green.

If your clothes have any yellow, any yellow,
If your clothes have any yellow, any yellow,
If your clothes have any yellow,
wiggle like a bowl of jello. If your clothes have any yellow, any yellow.

If your clothes have any pink, any pink,
If your clothes have any pink, any pink,
If your clothes have any pink, close one eye and make a wink. If your clothes have any pink, any pink.

If your clothes have any white, any white,
If your clothes have any white, any white,
If your clothes have any white,
 give yourself a hug real tight. If your clothes have any white, any white.

If your clothes have any black, any black,
If your clothes have any black, any black,
If your clothes have any black,
 pat yourself right on the back. If your clothes have any black, any black.

If your clothes have any brown, any brown,
If your clothes have any brown, any brown,

If your clothes have any brown,
smile big just like a clown. If your clothes have any brown, any brown.

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