Monday, September 21, 2015

Where oh where is my friend?

Last week, one of our songs focused on helping children learn each other's names in a fun way at story time.

This is sung to the tune of "Michael Finnegan."

Where, Oh Where, Is My Friend?
Where, oh where, is my friend (child's name)?
Where, oh where, is my friend (child's name)?
Where, oh where, is my friend (child's name)?
Where could s/he be?

There s/he is! (pointing to child)

Everyone say hello (child's name)
Everyone say hello (child's name)
Everyone say hello (child's name)
We're so glad you're here!

(Repeat for multiple children)

This was a really sweet song that the children had a lot of fun with and I can't wait to see the children continue to enjoy it next week on the patio.

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