Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Orange julius

I'm not a huge smoothie person since I don't think a DRINK named for being "smooth" should have chunks.  I also am still trying to learn how to enjoy strawberries and bananas, which are in nearly every smoothie ever made anywhere.  I do, however, love a good orange julius, even though I know they're pure sugar.  Until I find a way to make a breakfast drink that tastes this good and isn't full of sugar, I'll stick with only having this occasionally and enjoy every drop.

My college roommate left me with her Magic Bullet - not sure if it was on purpose or if she misses it - but I am in heaven.  This is its most common recipe.

3 ounces frozen orange juice concentrate
1 cup milk
1/8 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
4 ice cubes

Combine all ingredients, except ice cubes, in blender.
Blend 1-2 minutes, adding ice cubes one at a time, until smooth. 

Adapted from Food.com 

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