Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Date night - B-Hugs

I love date nights.  Whether they're with my man or with friends, I love them all.  Friend dates are especially wonderful when TDN is away on his business trips.  While he was at SXSW, B-Hugs and I had another date night.  

She had just finished finals, so it was the perfect time to celebrate, relax, and be away from books for a little while before actually starting Spring Break.  We picked up takeout from my favorite little Chinese place, rented a movie (thank you RedBox!), bought a couple bottles of wine, and headed back to my house.

Catching up on each other's lives over dinner was wonderful.  And what made the evening even more wonderful was smelling this delicious cake baking while watching a chick flick together later on.  She has a picture of this cake as her Facebook profile picture right now, and according to all our friends who haven't even tasted it, we need to make this again!
Pi ice

Our date also happened to be on Pi Day (March 14th - 3.14...nerdy, I know :) ), so we celebrated by putting my pi ice cubes in our water, in our wine, in pretty much any liquid we had that night.

Somehow, the evening got away from us and all of a sudden it was 3 am and we were dying on my floor laughing at who knows what.  My friends are fantastic.

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