Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Holiday Tradition

Les with the .22
Baby Sister and I have kind of started a new holiday tradition.  If you remember, she and I went shooting with TDN and my boys right before Christmas and had a blast.

Pistol training with the 9
Nearly every time I go back to South Dakota for a visit, my friend Matt and I try to get together and do some shooting.  Well, this visit was no exception!  We got together on the day before Easter to do our thing.  The only difference was that instead of just the two of us, we brought along some friends!  I brought Baby Sister and my cousin Les, and Matt's brother and dad came with us, too.

Baby Sister showing off with the 22-250
Les had only shot a gun once, and she didn't remember what it was, at all.  Baby Sister has been hunting since she was 12, and so have Matt and his brother.  His brother also just got home from Afghanistan and gets to do weapons training through his job in the military.  Needless to say, we all have very different levels of experience and comfort with different guns, but it was an enjoyable time for all!

Les was scared to shoot the
22-250 at first, she just wanted
to pose with it instead.
I think the best part might have been getting Les to try all the different toys we brought along...and then helping her remember the names of them so she could tell the family at supper!  We shot a Ruger .22 rifle, a 22-250, a Glock 9mm, a S&W M&P .40, and a Glock .40.  My favorite is the M&P :)

She decided to give it a try though!

Baby Sister cleaned up
some clays with the .22

My unconventional
shooting attire.

After we had all had our fill - and we decided we better get heading to our family supper - Les looked at the Polaris Ranger and decided she would really like to go for a ride.  And she didn't want to ride inside it, she specifically asked if we could all ride in the back.  All three of us girls climbed in the back, Matt and his brother in the front, and we bounced and raced around through the pastures and across the dry creek, constantly spitting dust and grass out of our mouths and trying to keep it out of our eyes.  And, of course, there was a lot of girlish squealing coming from the two beside me :)

By the time we met up with the rest of our family, we were all covered in dirt and exhausted, but man was that a lot of fun!

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