Tuesday, April 23, 2013

(Not so patiently) awaiting fresh veggies

The last Saturday that Tall Dark and Nerdy and I spent together before he left for his big trip (three weeks of work in India, followed by two weeks trekking in the Annapurnas in Nepal) involved getting our hands a little dirty.  Okay, actually, a lot dirty.

It was mid-April in the San Francisco Bay Area (and he was about to leave for 5 weeks) so it was time to put in the garden!

We planted tomatoes, zucchini, squash, basil, strawberries, artichokes, a blueberry bush, and I forget what else.  There was already kale, chard, and a lemon tree growing.

After we got everything planted, we got the fun job of setting up the new drip system so that everything will be perfectly watered.  

Once we finished, I had a farmer's tan on one side of my body - apparently I didn't turn around enough - and more mud caked under my fingernails than I had seen since moving to California, but the garden looked really good!  I can't wait for the veggies to start coming in - and if it happens while TDN's still on his trip, they're ALL MINE!

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