Monday, July 29, 2013

Weezer date night!

When I heard that Weezer was coming to the Bay Area, I knew I had to go!  I mentioned something about it to Tall Dark and Nerdy one night, saying I was going to try to get two tickets and just worry about finding someone to go with me as it got closer.  He got super excited, and I knew it was going to make for a fun night together.
This was my first time seeing Weezer.  It was also our first time going to a concert together.  AND it was our first time in the new - but temporary :( - America's Cup Pavilion.
We caught the train together up to the city, then got to experience the "Dirty 30" bus ride across town, and had a nice walk along the piers together.  America's Cup Pavilion is on two of the piers in San Francisco, so it's right along the water - although you can't see the water.
It was a little chilly, and the fog rolled in near the end of the opener's set.  By the end of the show, it was almost misting on us, but it was wonderful!  Weezer definitely lived up to the high expectations I had for them!  I also love that the lead singer's style is and always has been "nerd."  He's in the perfect place!
After the concert, we went for a walk and a beer with a couple that we're friends with and were also at the show, before cabbing it back across the city to the train and my nap on the way home.

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