Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Christmas pot roast

Our Christmas meat traditions include lutefisk (NOT happening in my house, ever), porcupine meatballs (that MUST be counted), and ham.  Since Tall Dark and Nerdy was celebrating Christmas with us and tries to avoid pork, baby sister and I were left with nothing.  We decided on a beef pot roast in my new Christmas-present-crock pot.  

This was my first pot roast, first time using the new crock pot, and first time hosting a holiday in my new home, and it was a SUCCESS!  I did have to wake up at 5:00 am to get it in the slow cooker so it could be done for our 2:00 meal, but it was worth it for all the praise it got!

  • 4 pound beef roast
  • 5 cups chopped vegetables (I used carrots, celery, onions, and potatoes)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 package pot roast seasoning
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • crock pot liner (not food, but definitely suggested!)
Place slow cooker liner in crock pot.  
Make slices into roast and insert garlic cloves.
Place roast and vegetables in slow cooker.
Mix seasoning and water.  Pour over meat and veggies.  Cover.
Cook 8 hours on low.

The meat was tender and tasty, the vegetables were delicious (says a non-veggie eater), and the juice was fantastic (but we also made gravy).

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