Sunday, February 24, 2013

Baby sister got Santa good!

Another of the adventures while baby sister was here to visit including a trip to the gun range with my boys.  The day before our "Fake Christmas" celebrating, baby sister, TDN, and I were trying to decide what to do since our plans to go for a hike got rained out.

We had decided on a movie day, but then my boys called with an offer I definitely couldn't resist.  They wanted to go shooting.  How can I say no to that?

Baby sister had never been to a range, and neither had I, so it was another new experience!  We rented a .45 and a 9mm and brought a shotgun with us. It was a party.

Since it was Christmas time, we got some fun targets and had a great time.  It's hard to tell from this picture, but the elf in zombie-Santa's pocket has a shot right through his nose, thanks to me!

California has goofy laws and won't let people under 21 shoot handguns, so baby sister couldn't shoot the .45 or the 9mm with us, but luckily, we had the shotgun... Man, was that a mistake for everyone else, cuz she's pretty good with a shotgun.  At one point, she had 3 shots in the gun: one through this guy's eye, one through the other eye, and number 3 made him unable to have children.  That's my sister.

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