Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pink cookies and cupcakes

The week of Valentine's day, the upstairs girls and I all got together for a cupcake decorating party.  I, of course, felt the need to use my fun new cookie cutters and contribute cookies to the party.  We spent the evening drinking pink champagne and decorating with multiple shades of pink frosting while 27 Dresses played in the background. 

Since my knee surgery was less than a week before this, I was unable to put weight on my right leg and was using crutches and countertops to propel myself around the kitchen.  Thanks to this, I had to promise one of the girls that I wouldn't overdo I made cookies from a mix and didn't make gluten-free ones from scratch.

Another hurdle was remembering that I don't own a rolling pin.  Oops.  I forgot that I had borrowed one from the girls upstairs for the Christmas cookies.  Luckily, I have a well-stocked wine cabinet and was clear-headed enough to think of a wine bottle as a useful alternative!

We had a great night with a lot of laughs; including several revolving around my roommate's inability to stop eating the sweet treats.  She would spread frosting on a cupcake, and immediately start eating it.  And she would stop partway through to slather more frosting in the middle of the half-eaten cupcake.

It was a fun way of testing myself in the kitchen with the new knee, a great excuse for all of us to get together on a Monday, and a delicious snack for several days to come.

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